About event
We are excited to announce that this year’s 4S Postgrad Workshop will be co-hosted by our own grad network, AusSTS, and 6S! We invite all graduate and postgraduate students to apply for an interactive pre-conference workshop taking place at the 4S conference in Sydney on the conference theme of “TRANSnational STS.”
A full-day pre-conference workshop for Masters and PhD students attending 4S hosted by 6S and the Australasian STS graduate network (AusSTS). The focus of this year’s workshop will be on connecting transnational STS communities. The workshop will also give students the opportunity to connect with peers and senior scholars, share research projects, address theoretical and methodological challenges, and exchange advice on navigating careers.
Tuesday August 28, 2018
This year’s workshop will be held at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) in Redfern, Sydney. The building is a beautifully restored heritage listed site and is located a short walk from the conference venue. The site has unique historic and cultural significance and is located on the land of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.
No cost to participate. Lunch provided on the day.
Confirmed participating senior scholars include Kim Tallbear (University of Alberta), Helen Verran (Charles Darwin University), Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University), Wen Hua Kuo (National Yang-Ming University), Eben Kirksey (Deakin University) and more TBC.
This is an informal workshop for sharing ideas, not a venue for individual presentations. We hope to accommodate all completed applications; however, we are limited to 45 participants. Applications will be assessed on a) the order they are received, and b) in the best interest of creating a diverse and inclusive cohort of participants.
Details also available on the 4S website: https://4s2018sydney.org/postgrad-workshop/
To apply, please prepare 1) a 200 word biography that includes a description of your research and an indication of what stage you are in your studies (e.g. first year PhD, late stage PhD), and 2) a 250 word description of how you would benefit from participating in this pre-conference workshop.
The deadline for applications is June 28, 2018. Please send your applications to 4Spostgradworkshop2018@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you in Sydney!
For questions, please contact workshop organisers Aadita Chaudhury, Thao Phan, and Hined Rafeh at 4Spostgradworkshop2018@gmail.com.
Follow AusSTS on twitter @gradSTSau for workshop updates! #4s2018 #6Sworkshop
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