About event

3 December 2019, 5 – 6pm, Deakin Downtown, Level 12, Tower 2, 727 Collins St, Melbourne

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This event marks the launch of Private Security and Domestic Violence: The Risks and Benefits of Private Security Companies Working with Victims of Domestic Violence, a new book from Dr Diarmaid Harkin, Deakin University (published by Routledge).

The book reports on the findings of a four-year investigation into a variety of examples of private security companies being contracted to provide services to victims of domestic violence. It explores the risks that exist when permitting private security companies access to a vulnerable population, including many examples of unethical and concerning behaviour. But, likewise, it also outlines the advantages to be gained from such a security model and details positive experiences reported by domestic violence services and victim/survivors.

A presentation on the key findings of the book will be followed by responses from Ms Alison McDonald of Domestic Violence Victoria and Ms Julie Oberin of Women’s Services Network. Light food and drink refreshments to follow.


Dr Diarmaid Harkin, Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Deakin University


Ms Alison Macdonald, Acting CEO, Domestic Violence Victoria

Ms Julie Oberin, National Chair, Women’s Services Network (WESNET)

Episode 2 of SSN’s Spotlight video series features Dr Diarmaid Harkin’s collaborative research on bug detection devices and their use in domestic violence prevention.  

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