The Deakin Science and Society Network is delighted to welcome applications for the 2025 Interdisciplinary Incubator Grants Scheme. Applicants can apply for up to AU$12,500 per project.
We are calling for proposals from Deakin University Early and Mid-Career Academic Researchers (EMCARs) that involve collaboration between researchers in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and the HASS disciplines (humanities and social sciences).
The proposals should be well developed and viewed as springboards for future external grants.
- Read the SSN Incubator Guidelines and selection criteria_2025
- View the slides from the 16 August Information session here
- Apply using this form.
- See the FAQ section below
- Applications open: 31 July 2024
- Grant information and collaborative networking session : Friday 16 August 2024 via Zoom. The slides are now available here
- Applications close: Monday 14 October 11:59 pm AEST
- Final decisions and notification of successful applications: 25 October 2024.
The Guidelines and selection criteria are available at this pdf SSN Incubator Guidelines and selection criteria_2025
SSN Incubator Grant Funding Frequently Asked Questions
Compiled August 2024
The interdisciplinary team
QN: Who is eligible to act as Lead CI (Chief Investigator)
Ans: SSN incubator projects are made up of a team of two or more CIs (Chief Investigators) There should be one Lead CI. As per the Criteria, the Lead CI must be an EMCAR (early or mid-career academic researcher) with a position at Deakin that covers the duration the grant. An EMCAR is someone within 15 years of their PhD completion. The Lead CI must have a confirmed position at Deakin until the end of 2025.
Any other CIs and other team members do not have to meet this criteria. They do not have to be an EMCAR. They can be Deakin or non-Deakin, academic or non-academic, domestic or international.
See Criteria at
What if my contract at Deakin is not guaranteed for the full duration of the project?
Ans: At the time of application, the Lead CI must be a Deakin employee. It is desirable to have continual employment for the duration of the project, and this is confirmed before projects are awarded. However, applicants with shorter contracts will be considered if they have a clear plan to hand over leadership of the project to another Deakin-employed CI, and a team in place large enough to manage the project, should they leave Deakin. If they leave Deakin, they may stay on as project collaborators, but cannot be Lead CI.
Qn: Do all members of the team have to be EMCARs?
Ans: No. Members of the team can include senior colleagues as well. Please see slides and application instructions at
Qn: How large or small can a team be?
Ans: This is dictated by the needs of the project. Bear in mind that a smaller team should have a clear interdisciplinary make-up, and that in cases of small partnerships, the continuity of the project is paramount. The size and composition of the team should be dictated by the project.
Qn: I am a Deakin EMCAR and I fulfil the requirements for a Lead CI as per the Grant instructions. Can my partner be International?
Ans: Yes, your partner(s) or team can be from the Academy or Industry, Deakin or non-Deakin and can be Domestic or International.
Qn: Can I be listed on more than one grant application?
Ans: Yes, you can be listed as a participant on multiple SSN grant applications, but you can only be a Lead CI on one. Previous grant holders cannot apply as lead CIs a second time.
Qn: I have a great idea but can’t find an interdisciplinary partner
Ans: Please contact us and we will direct you to a Theme Leader or previous grant holder who will try to assist you. You can also write to theme leaders directly – they can be found here:
Qn: Disciplines like Architecture, Psychology and Business Analytics can arguably be both STEM or HASS focussed, how does this affect my application?
Ans: With all applications we look at the substance of the interdisciplinary project. The question is: regardless of discipline title, what skill sets are the Lead CI and the interdisciplinary partner(s) bringing to this project? If your project envisages the discipline of psychology as a STEM discipline, what is the HASS partner contributing? Alternatively, if you are envisaging psychology as a HASS discipline, what STEM skills are your other CIs contributing?
As per the Project evaluation criteria (3):
The project’s aims, methods and/or design must demonstrate an interdisciplinary approach to the problem. This may include:
- Researchers from different disciplines working together in a team
- Researchers collaborating to bring different perspectives to solve a problem
- Researchers utilising methods normally associated with one or more disciplines to solve problems in another discipline
- One or more researchers translating innovative ‘blue-sky’ or applied research outcomes from one discipline into an entirely different applied research discipline.