Decolonising secondary science curricula in Australia
The Team: Dr Angela Ziebell, Al Fricker, Jessemy Gleeson, Seamus Delane, Jorja McKinnon
With the addition of Indigenous Science into the VCE sciences, teachers need help upskilling to navigate this new learning and teaching space. We will deliver training to support teachers in their journey to understand that there is more than one approach to science, and that science isn’t culture free, a key step in the decolonisation of VCE science. Teachers will be given high-quality lessons plans and access to a discussion forum for future help during planning/delivery. Our investigation will assess the teacher experience and whether the resulting learning activities teachers they develop demonstrate a respectful engagement with First Nations contexts.
The Team: Dr Angela Ziebell is joined by Al Fricker, Jessemy Gleeson, Seamus Delaney and Jorja McKinnon.